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Language Associate - Mandarin, Traditional Chinese
| Languages
| Part-time
| Fully remote
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Application Form
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First Name *
Last Name
Email *
Phone *
Resume *
Why you interested in working with Avaaz? *
Please upload a short sample of your English-to-Mandarin translation work in literature, journalism, or academic writing. *
When would you be available to start?* *
If you know any members of the Avaaz team list them here. (We may ask them about you)
How did you learn about this job opening? *
Do you have any special needs or requests in advance of or during a possible interview that you’d like to notify us about?
Avaaz works with reputable third party contractors, currently Trakstar, to process your data for the purposes of recruitment. Avaaz remains the data controller of that data. By submitting this form you agree that Avaaz, and its third party contractors may store all the data produced during your application process, including your application details, CVs and interview records (“the data”). *
More details on the principles Avaaz, and its third party contractors, follow when retaining the data can be found here:
Future communications - Because we recruit on a rolling basis, we would like to keep your details for a maximum of two years, so we can contact you in the future for employment purposes. If you do not wish us to keep your details, or to be contacted in future for these purposes please indicate that.
After the expiration of two years, or upon your request, we will remove the data form. If at any point you want us to remove the data form before the 2 year expiration, please send your request to
Thanks for your time
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